Changing Behavior- Changing Lives You Make a Difference

A close connection with a caring adult has been found to be the best antidote for preventing youth problems, but how do you build that relationship with the child whose behavior challenges you the most? How do you take the "fight" out of typical daily hassles? How do you manage the intensity of one child, when you are responsible for several?

Being smart about what we feel, recognizing and understanding the feelings of others and learning self-control reflect a child's emotional IQ. The latest research on brain development tells us that emotional intelligence may play a more significant role in a child's success than brain power alone. Challenging behaviors are about feelings and needs. Recognizing those emotions is the key to stopping those behaviors before they ever start. Working with those emotions builds the relationship that makes a child WANT to work with you.

Join Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka to discover:

  • How to build strong, healthy relationships that truly change children's lives
  • Strategies to help children understand their emotions and those of others
  • Techniques for teaching children to be "problem solvers"
  • Tools for bringing down the intensity and enhancing self-control
Raising Your Spirited BabyRaising Your Spirited Child - Parent's Choice Award WinnerMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Raising Your Spirited Child WorkbookMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Kids, Parents and Power StrugglesMary Sheedy Kurchinka - Sleepless in America