From the beloved bestselling author whose award-winning parenting books have sold over one million copies---an indispensable guide to the unique needs of “Spirited” infants. Harper Collins Publishers
Do the strategies your friends swear by not work with your baby? Is it nearly impossible to lay your baby down because the moment you lean forward, she startles herself awake? Do the upsets and shrieking come out of seemingly nowhere and take forever to subside?” Welcome to “Raising your Spirited Baby”.
“Spirited” babies arrive in this world genetically wired to be alert and intense. Raising them puts parents to the test and takes special skills. With years of research, analysis and working one-on-one with parents, I have developed a five-step plan for success. Any parent can benefit from this book, which not only helps them understand and care for their baby but also care for themselves, including their relationships, which are profoundly changed by life with a baby. You are not alone.
Dr. Mary
What They Are Saying
Every Parent Must Read!
"No two babies are the same, so learning to understand and evaluate your own, unique child at one specific moment in time in order to figure out how to gently NUDGE them through the various stages is SOOOO helpful for parents! This book gives us the tools we need to feel confident that our families are moving forward AND provides the support and encouragement we all need to hear in our darkest hour." ~ B LO 23
Must Read
"Raising Your Spirited Baby by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D is a must read for parents. This book normalizes that some babies are more alert, energetic, sensitive and spirited. Mary Kurcinka gives readers a positive outlook of these characteristics and her gentle NUDGE technique is an excellent, gentle tool to help your baby with transitions, sleeping and eating. You will feel more confident and optimistic about parenting your baby after reading this book." ~ A mom and baby doctor
Recommended to all Parents
As new parents, we are flooded with advice and information and it was hard to know what path to follow. We knew we needed to pick one philosophy and stick to it. Choosing to follow the advice of this book was simple based on the authors expertise and gentle, respectful parenting philosophies. This book has helped us tremendously and we would recommend it to all parents. ~JR
Extremely Helpful
"This book is life changing to those with babies who are just “more”. You will likely cry because you won’t feel as alone. Mary gives realistic strategies for recognizing how to best parent a spirited baby in ways that will carry forward for the rest of their lives. I also love the stories in the book of spirited babies!" ~ Kriseliz